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General Protection

What kinds of Protection can I get for my Buick?

We offer several different Protection products for your vehicle. From Protection Plan and GAP Coverage to Pre-Paid Maintenance and Tire & Wheel Protection, our products provide you with the comprehensive coverage you deserve.

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How do I purchase a Buick Protection product?

You can get started by contacting the Finance & Insurance manager at your local dealership.

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If I sell my car, do my Buick Protection purchases transfer to a new owner?

Protection PlanPre-Paid Maintenance and Tire & Wheel can all be transferred to another private party (a transfer to a dealership is not allowed) within 30 days of the covered vehicle’s resale, subject to a transfer fee. You can find more details in your product agreement.

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Where should I get my Buick repaired?

During the term covered by your Protection Plan, you can have covered repairs completed by any GM Dealer or authorized service provider.